

在现代商业世界里, there is more and more need for the optimization of best practices and the refining of how operations are carried out. In an effort to address these things, the entrepreneurial operating system was developed. This EOS Model® is a management style that relies on the use of minimal tools and principles to maximize performance. 

在仓储和物流领域, the EOS mindset allows for a more streamlined approach to operations which leads to savings and greater efficiency. 墨菲 has adopted this model because it helps our management team to accomplish the many goals we’ve established in order to deliver exceptional results for our clients. Experience has shown us that you regularly obtain greater outcomes if you hold each member of your team responsible for a set of objectives and metrics.

This enables us to offer exceptional results while showcasing our adaptability and creativity. We consistently demonstrate that it is possible to operate a profitable business while exceeding the expectations of customers, 员工, 还有环境. EOS是一个简单的框架,用于概述重要的内容, 谁拥有它?, 以及成功需要什么.



Running on the entrepreneurial operating system has helped tens of thousands of business owners experience rapid development and a more balanced life. 在本质上, EOS is a method of human resource management that makes use of a minimal number of tools and tenets. 商业EOS是关于同步性的. 在使用EOS时,每个人都专注于相同的目标, 因此,您的业务运作更有利可图,更顺利.

The six guiding elements of the EOS Model® for corporate growth are vision, 人, data, 问题, 过程, 和牵引力. The foundation of the EOS business philosophy is the idea that each team member must be responsible for attaining a shared vision by focusing on it collectively.

公司可以使用EOS来解决问题, 对工作进行组织和排序, 遵循程序, 相互作用, 收集数据, 定义角色, 更有效地领导和管理项目和员工.


和其他行业一样,物流业也离不开人. Maintaining this perspective enables us to handle the valuable goods our clients entrust us with while never losing sight of the importance of each and every employee. We are better able to understand how each individual’s responsibility and actions impact the entire system. 这种清晰对我们的成功至关重要.  

To simplify this effort, EOS for business is broken down into six core components.


EOS can be simplified into six key components which allow a business to understand and identify where they are strong, 他们在哪些方面需要改进, 在那里他们可以识别出真正独特的区别. These components are applicable to every business, including the world of 仓储物流.


视觉就是看清楚事物. Getting everyone in the organization completely on board with your goals and your plan of action is necessary to strengthen this component. 在物流领域, this includes an understanding of where the company is coming from and a shared goal of where the company is headed.

In its simplest sense, your business needs exceptional 人 to succeed. This requires surrounding yourself with excellent 人 on all levels since accomplishing a great vision can only be accomplished with others. 在墨菲, we hire industry leaders and veterans who bring years of experience and proven success to the table. 这转化为无与伦比的卓越服务.


切割所有的情感, 个性, 意见, 企业中的自我意识是有效利用数据的第一步. This is further accomplished by reducing new information to a few objective numbers that give you a precise sense of how things are going at any one time. We take an objective approach to understanding data and allowing it to guide our efforts every day.


Every business needs to be able to adequately handle the art of problem-solving across the entire organization, 包括创造解决方案和消除障碍. We regularly spend time learning together through training and personal study, so we can better understand and prepare for conflict and work challenges. We use the skills we develop to work through things and find a resolution that works best for everyone.


在您的业务中实现一致性和可伸缩性, you’ll need to get everyone on the same page with what the crucial procedural steps are and then get everyone to follow them. 过程 improvement is one thing, but 过程 understanding is the correct starting point. We routinely evaluate our 过程es to ensure they are aligned with our company’s values, 他们会持续产生期望的结果.


This comprises instilling discipline and accountability within the company, 改善执行, 并将愿景根植于现实. 通过保持对所有六个步骤的清晰理解, 墨菲 is better able to face the ever-changing landscape of the logistics industry and consistently deliver reliable and desirable results.


Most businesses that struggle or fall short do so because they concentrate on the wrong projects or allow distractions to paralyze them so that nothing gets done. 通过将EOS用于商业, you can avoid these pitfalls and accomplish rapid growth by getting out of your own way and focusing on your core principles.

尽管我们体型庞大, the staff of 买球赛用什么app和网站 makes every stride to provide a personal touch with every client. 其他提供 第三方物流解决方案 往往会忽略这个关键原则. 在一个以效率为驱动力的行业, 通常是以牺牲客户体验为代价的, we stand firm in our belief that the customer should always come first.

墨菲 offers cutting-edge warehouse and logistics solutions motivated by our passion to make a difference for our clients and team members. Our goal is to become the best warehouse and logistics company throughout the Midwest. 要做到这一点,我们不只是关注数字. 而不是, we allow the values gained from understanding EOS for business to guide us every step of the way.